The children have been introduced to a program known as Brain Gym, which was founded by educator Paul E. Dennison. This program is based on an educational kinesiology theory that places a great deal of importance on learning through movement. People of all ages, all over the world, use Brain Gym movements to bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in their reading, writing, language, and numerical skills. This work also enhances one’s ability to concentrate and perform at their optimal level. As the child performs the movements, their brain function becomes more dynamic, meaning that all areas of the brain are being utilized (pre-frontal cortex to mid and hind brain and left hemisphere to right hemisphere). The dynamic brain is the brain that can perform well under stress and helps create a peaceful and calm sense within one’s self. P.A.C.E. is a part of Brain Gym and it involves four steps. The children have practiced these steps with the teacher’s assistance and are now able to perform P.A.C.E. on their own accord. First we drink water, then brain buttons, followed by cross-crawl, and end with a hook-up. P.AC.E. is a fun, simple, and fast way to achieve dynamic brain operation.