Caring for a Plant

hands of child under 3 washing a plant

The classroom is a small community for the children, and everyone works together to promote order and peace.  One element of the Practical Life activities includes care of the environment.  Here, the child is shown how to care for different parts of the classroom.  This includes caring for a plant, sweeping up a mess, folding clothes, polishing silver or brass, mopping up a spill, and basic classroom maintenance.  The child feels empowered as they contribute to keeping their small environment neat and orderly.  In this photo, the child is caring for a plant. He starts by getting a dusty classroom plant, the plant cleaning work tray, and filling his jug with water.  After he pours the water into a small bowl, he dips the sponge in to clean off the dust from a plant.  At the end of this activity, he uses the remainder of the water to nourish the plant to help keep the plant alive.