In the recent weeks, we have been learning about our Earth as well as ways to protect it. We learned about projects such as water conservation, recycling, turning old items into something useful, and protecting nature and animals.
Then, we began the Honeybee initiative. The children explored different aspects regarding bees such as their function, importance and anatomy (They can now identify all the parts of the bee!).

The children also learned about the process and stages bees work through in order to produce honey, which of course, we sampled…yummy!
Without bees, our food production would be in danger – fruit and vegetables would not grow. Our bees are in need of more flowers and plants as their food source, which, in turn, helps us.

We did our part by planting sunflowers. Each child is caring for their plant by watering them and ensuring they are exposed to sunlight.
At home, we can also plant a garden ensuring blooms through as many seasons as possible: crocus and calendula for Spring; snap dragons and hosta for Summer; witch hazel and asters for Fall. Lavender, rosemary, oregano and sage plants help too.
Please help Save Our Bees!