
Children doing the "cobra" yoga pose

Our certified yoga teacher Cheeba provides a half hour class to small groups in the Casa age group weekly.  Yoga, which means “union”, involves uniting the body, mind and spirit.  It is believed that Maria Montessori included this in her teaching philosophy when she wrote her book “The Absorbent Mind”.  The many benefits of yoga for children include an improvement in hand-eye coordination, an increase in flexibility, the exploration of movement, and the development of confidence while learning how the mind and body connect.  Many of our children are interested in the integration of animals and nature through some of the popular poses: downward dog, cobra, locust, frog, lion and tree pose.  We also offer individual practice in the classroom using picture cards and a yoga mat.

Children doing the "child" yoga pose Child practicing the "child" yoga pose Children practicing the "downward dog" yoga pose Child practicing yoga Child practicing the "tree" pose Children practicing yoga Children practicing yoga