October 2019


Painting is a popular activity within our curriculum. A variety of materials are offered to enhance the painting experience including brushes, sponges, or any other objects that can be incorporated into the activity. Through painting, children are able to practice and develop in areas such as sense of self, fine motor skills, cause and effect as well as sensory discrimination.

Please click “Painting” for more details and photos.


Autumn in French

We have been enjoying the beautiful autumn (l’ automne) weather and everything fall has to offer, along with the beautiful colours, textures, smells and the yummy food. We have incorporated Fall in various ways in our role playing, sensory and culture activities. In each French lesson, we translated the English words to French words.

Please click “Autumn in French” for more photos and information.


Polishing a Mirror

Practical life activities give children the opportunity to participate and contribute to their community. They involve care of the self as well as the indoor and outdoor environment, grace and courtesy, and control and refinement of movement. Taking care of our classroom by polishing a mirror gives us a sense of belonging and being a productive citizen in our community.


Cultural Doll

Casa children really enjoy this activity as it fosters their creative and spatial skills.  They are also learning about human differences.  Celebrating our cultural ethnicities is a big part of the Montessori environment.

Please click “Cultural Doll” to read and see step by step how the children design their own cultural dolls.
