We have been enjoying the beautiful autumn (l’ automne) weather and everything fall has to offer, along with the beautiful colours, textures, smells and the yummy food. We have incorporated Fall in various ways. In each French lesson, we translated the English words to French words.
In our role play area, we have a farm with animals, and children choose a role they would like to play in the farm and together they roleplay. This definitely is a popular activity in our classroom. We also created sensory bins using corn (kôrn), pinecones (pommes de pin), pumpkins (citrouilles) logs (les journaux) and another with various things from the farm. In the culture area, we have many parts of puzzles to learn new vocabulary, and we have been working on the parts of a tree (arbre) and parts of an apple (pomme).

After the interest sparked in the parts of a tree activity and parts of an apple, we decided to get some apples from the market and have an apple tasting test to discover how all the apples have different tastes and are unique in their own way. The colours and shapes of the apples were very fun to compare. That led us to talking about our five senses: touch (toucher), sight (vue), taste (gout), hearing (entendre), and smell (odeur). We read books and discussed each sense!