Making Pizza With Nancy!

Nancy made home-made pizza with her family, and with her dog Vasco supervising. Below, you will find a picture recipe of how you can make it. The pizza looks delicious!

What you will need

2 cups of flour

1 tablespoon of butter, softened

1 tablespoon of sugar

1 teaspoon of yeast

1 teaspoon of salt

½ cup plus two tablespoons of warm water

Let’s do it!!!

  1. Add yeast to warm water in a bowl. Let it rest.
Warm water and yeast in a bowl

2.Add flour, butter etc. Mix it well.

Making pizza dough

3. Grate the cheese and prep the veggies (use whatever toppings you like).

Grating cheese

4. Roll the dough.

Rolling out pizza dough

5. Spread the dough in the pizza pan.

Stretching the dough into the pan

6. Add pizza sauce to the dough.

Putting sauce onto the pizza

7. Add cheese and veggies or your own choice of toppings.

Putting toppings on the pizza Toppings are on the pizza

8. Put in the oven at 425 F for 12 minutes.

Pizza is in the oven

9. Let the pizza cool slightly and enjoy!

Pizza is ready!

Here is the Pizza Visual Recipe that you can download and follow.