Because of COVID-19, children are dealing with sadness, anger, frustration, and boredom. It’s time to embrace homemade playdough. Playing with playdough can be stress-relieving and help us to regulate our emotions. This is true for adults just as much as it is for children. We encourage you to play with your child. Spending some time connecting can also help you and your child regulate your emotions during this difficult time.
Also, keep in mind, children need sensory stimulation. Children’s brains need sensorial exploration. These experiences, whether it be with water, slime, sand, etc. are integral for sensory integration. And while your child is busy playing and creating, they are strengthening the small muscles in their hands, which is essential for emerging writing skills.
Aylen and Laura needed some co-regulation and sensory integration so they made some homemade playdough with a simple, easy recipe. They also added some lavender essential oil to help calm their minds.
Homemade Playdough Recipe
1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup salt
3 tsp cream of tartar
1/6 cup oil
1 1/2 cup boiling water
food colouring
optional: essential oil
Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.
Mix wet ingredients in a small bowl.
Pour wet ingredients into dry and stir.
Knead when cool.