City Place

Our Grass Head Plant

Click to see how we made and take care of ‘Bob’, our classroom grass head plant. We make sure the soil is moist, gently cut his hair, and tidy up our grass clippings. The children created and grew their own grass head plant. This fun practical life activity teaches a young child how to gently care for a delicate plant.


Dressing and Undressing

Seasonal dressing and undressing for outdoor play is an excellent opportunity for a child to build self confidence and autonomy and instill a sense of pride. “Help me to help myself”. (Please click for the full photos and more information).


Creating Carbon Dioxide

During the winter months, we participated in snow related activities such as observing solids to liquids, colouring snow, creating sculptures like inukshuks and igloos, and other science experiments. How does this melting snowflake experiment using baking soda, water, and vinegar create carbon dioxide as well as a natural cleaning product that neutralizes odours? Please click to find out and see the full photos!


Valentine’s Day!

In honour of Valentine’s Day, we participated in process-oriented valentine art. We took turns pulling names from a hat, then set to work to craft a one-of-a-kind valentine. We presented each other with our special gift on Valentine’s Day during our sharing circle. The children looked proud and pleased to both give and receive these keepsakes. (Please click for full photos.)


Caring for Plants

One way in which the children can take care of the environment is by caring for the various plants in their classroom. They are able to water the plants and clean their leaves. The children enjoy maintaining and caring for plant life while learning about botany life cycles and the necessities of soil, sun, air and water. (Please click for the full photos.)


Peeling Tape

In the Under Two classroom, the children are given the opportunity to peel tape off a table. As simplistic as this task may seem, it is beneficial to the development of their fine motor skills and concentration. The child uses a controlled pincer grasp to peel the tape from one end to the other.


Practical Life

Through Practical Life experiences, a child perfects their coordination, lengthens their span of concentration, pays more attention to detail, refines the small muscles of their hand, and develops their independence. They also build upon their sense of responsibility through care of their environment and grace and courtesy. (Please click to view the video).



Self-serving provides many opportunities for learning and growth. It promotes autonomy and problem-solving skills, and develops a sense of how much food to take as well as eat. Using serving utensils and jugs refine fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Grace and courtesy skills such as saying “please” and “thank you” or waiting for one’s turn are also developed.


Building With Blocks

The possibilities are endless when building with blocks. Constructing with blocks enhances eye-hand coordination along with fine motor and cognitive skills through a creative and scientific approach. Language skills are also encouraged as the child describes what they are building.


Sprinkler Play

The children enjoy running through the sprinkler, splashing in the puddles, filling buckets with water, and playing with the water toys. It’s a great way to stay cool on a hot sunny day. Splish, splash! (Please click for more information.)
