City Place

Orange Lemonade with Maria A!

Maria made orange lemonade perfect for the warm weather! Please click for the recipe and photos. Enjoy this refreshing drink!


Planting with Rebecca!

Rebecca has been busy planting a vegetable and flower garden. Please click to find out what plants she is growing and to see their progress.


Stamping Art with Kalsang!

Kalsang is sharing another activity with her friends in the Under Two community. For this art activity, kitchen utensils are used as most of the children like to explore them within the kitchen center. Please click for more details and photos. Let’s get creative!


Mini Trampoline Exercises with Maria A!

One of the ways that Maria has incorporated movement into her new routine is jumping on her mini-trampoline. She found fun and challenging Trampoline Exercises for Children. Please click for more details. Let’s get jumping! 


Tree Art with Amy!

Amy and her son worked on another painting activity. For their tree art, the only utensil is their hands!  Please click for the photos. Let’s get painting! 
