Infinity Place

Nature in the Classroom

“Solicitous care for living things affords satisfaction to one of the most lively instincts of the child’s mind. Nothing is better calculated than this to awaken an attitude of foresight.” -Maria Montessori

(Please click “view” for more details on nature in an Under 3 Montessori classroom.)



Painting is a popular activity within our curriculum. A variety of materials are offered to enhance the painting experience including brushes, sponges, or any other objects that can be incorporated into the activity. Through painting, children are able to practice and develop in areas such as sense of self, fine motor skills, cause and effect as well as sensory discrimination.

Please click “Painting” for more details and photos.


The Bells

Once a week, our music teacher Adriana visits each Casa classroom to teach a couple of children how to play the Montessori bells. This activity consists of a series of bells from middle C to high C. First, the children learn how to play an individual bell with a mallet and a damper. Then they progress to matching and grading the tones. Eventually, the children will be able to play familiar tunes such as “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”. Recently, the children have been learning how to play the song “A Visit to the Farm”. 

Please click “The Bells” for the photos.


Dorothy’s Hummus Recipe

Our chef Dorothy’s homemade hummus is a favourite among our children. Made fresh the day it is on our menu, it is often served with an array of vegetables or as a spread on whole wheat crackers. As chick peas are considered super food (rich in vitamins and minerals, high in protein and fiber, and low in saturated fat), hummus is a perfect accompaniment to our snack.

Please click “Dorothy’s Hummus Recipe” for more details and the recipe!


Summer BBQ

We were excited to host our summer family BBQ! This year’s fundraising event is in support of Pancreatic Cancer Canada. We had a food truck come provide the delicious barbecued food. Fire It Up BBQ catering did an amazing job! The bake sale was also a great success. We had the generous support of our families and staff who supplied all the baked goodies. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we come together as a community. A great time was had by everyone!


Meal Times

Meal times not only encourage children’s social interactions, but also provide them the opportunity to gain and build their independence. As the children in our Under Two community eat lunch around our child-size tables, a teacher sits with the group to assist anyone needing assistance. Size and age appropriate furniture, dishes, and utensils are used to promote self-feeding, self-help, and confidence.

Please click “Meal Times” for more details and photos.


Yoga “Lion” Pose

In recent yoga classes, Cheeba has focused on teaching the children the “lion” pose. This particular pose is geared to help children work through complex emotions by incorporating relaxation breathing. In this pose, the children inhale then deeply and silently exhale, thus allowing them to release any unwanted energy they may have.

Please click “Yoga ‘Lion’ Pose” for more details on yoga classes.


Skip Counting

The child begins by placing one of the chains from the bead cabinet, its corresponding tickets, squares, cube, and counter on their math tray. This activity allows the child to visually see what it looks like when skip counting. Indirectly, the activity prepares the mind for multiplication, squaring, and cubing.

Please click “Skip Counting” for details on how a child works on skip counting.


Dressing for the Outdoors

Children observe many practical life actions in their everyday lives such as dressing and undressing. With this in mind, one of the best ways of nurturing children’s positive self esteem is to encourage their already strong interest in doing things on their own.

Please click “Dressing for the Outdoors” for more details and photos.



The children in Under 2 seem to light up when playdough is offered as one of our sensory and fine motor activities. Pulling, rolling, poking, and grasping a fist full of playdough all help to develop the child’s fine motor skills while developing their senses of sight, smell, and touch. We often add a variety of accessories such as cookie cutters, rolling pins, food colouring, extracts or sparkles for variety and an enhanced experience.

Please click “Playdough” for more details and the recipe for “the perfect playdough”!
