Infinity Place


The process of planting, caring for, and growing their very own seeds is a great way to encourage children’s love of nature.

(Please click for more photos and details on these planting activities.)


Planting Seeds

Watching plants grow is a fun and education experience for children. Their enormous curiosity and excitement over anything new makes them a natural for gardening. Growing plant seeds with children teaches them how nature works, responsibility in caring for living things, and interest in environment sustainability and pride in themselves.

Please click ‘view’ for more details and photos.


Hundred Board

The Hundred Board is an activity that involves placing 100 white tiles with the numbers 1-100 written on them onto a blue board that is sectioned into 100 squares.  Since the blue squares are blank, the child has to place the tiles (which are mixed up) on the appropriate squares until they have achieved the correct sequence. There is a control sheet with numbers for the child to check his/her work or to use as a guide. This is a great activity for children to learn sequence of numbers 1-100, as well as recognizing the numbers that go between 10’s, 20’s and 30’s.  One of the activities a child may do afterwards is cutting and gluing numbers or writing the numbers out to make their own hundred board, just as Barrett is doing in the picture.


“The Provinces of Canada” Song Video!

In our Casa community, we have been learning all about the wonderful country we live in- Canada! We learned the names of each province and territory, their place on the map, as well as their corresponding flags.

Please click for more details and to see the video of us singing “The Provinces of Canada”. Sing along with us!


Mixing Primary Colours

In the Under 3 community, we have been exploring mixing primary colours to create secondary colours in a variety of ways.

Please click ‘view’ for more details and photos.


Pop-Up Activity

The pop-up toy is a very popular activity among young children. The object of this activity is for children to manipulate the different knobs on the toy using their hands and fingers in order to reveal what is hidden underneath. Once revealed, they will push the characters down and do it all over again. This activity helps promote fine motor skills and cognitive skills such as problem solving as well as cause and effect.

Please click ‘view’ for more details and photos.


Journal Writing

After extensive work in the Language area, the children move on to journal writing. Children are encouraged to write about experiences they have had or anything else that inspires them to write and create!  After building the sentences, the child prints them in their Journal Book and draws an accompanying picture.

Please click for more details and photos.


Winter Accessories for The Red Door Family Shelter

This winter we collected new winter accessories for all ages, sizes, and gender. These accessories included hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, neck warmers, and socks. The children helped to place these items on our Christmas Tree that was displayed in our front lobby area. The donations were collected and dropped off to The Red Door Family Shelter located in the east end of Toronto.

Please click to learn more about The Red Door Family Shelter.


Refinement Of Movement Materials

We offer a variety of materials that the children enjoy working with that encourage the development and coordination of hand movements. These activities help to foster small movements of the hands, offer a number of variations for grasping, eye/hand co-ordination, and  encourage the use of two hands working together as well as separately.

Please click for more details and photos.


Exploring Leaves

Fall has finally arrived, which means many changes are happening to the outside world. The weather is getting cooler. It is starting to rain more often and the leaves are starting to change colour. The next time you are outside for a walk or playing in the park, take the time to point out these changes and encourage children to explore their outside environment. This activity allows children to take what they have explored and create something that will be based on their memory.

Please click for more details and photos.
