Simcoe Place

Black History Month

During our discussions of respect, kindness, tolerance, unity and harmony, the children have looked at our differences and similarities between each other to celebrate our individual qualities. We are inspired by the Bob Marley song “One Love” with the words “One love when your hand reaches out to me. One heart when we touch a new world we will see.”


Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Gung Hay Fat Choy! We have been discussing Chinese New Year and celebrating the year of the Rooster. We talked about when it begins and how it is celebrated. We made crafts associated with the holiday decorating roosters, lanterns, chopstick frames and traditional hats. We also dressed up in traditional clothing and participated in a fun Dragon dance throughout the centre.

Please click “Gung Hay Fat Choy!” for more photos.


Give a Little, Get a Lot

In the Under 2 Room, we support local charities such as HUGGIES Every Little Bottom and The Sunshine Foundation of Canada through donating our Huggies and Pampers rewards.


Self-Help and Independence

In our Under 3 Montessori classroom, the children are shown easy ways to dress and undress themselves. They learn how to put their jackets on by flipping them over their heads; practice putting their boots on by placing each boot against the nearest wall to aid their balance; work on pulling their snow pants up; and putting their hats and mittens on. Help children to help themselves!


A Poppy is to Remember

The children in the Under Two program had the opportunity to experience Remembrance Day through the exploration of rhythmic language such as a poem entitled “Poppy Poppy”, as well as wonderful sensorial art activities using finger paint and mac-tac.


French Curriculum

Our French teacher Cheeba works with the children using music, songs, and creative movement with props and special techniques.  Cheeba’s curriculum teaches the children conversational French with self-expression, family vocabulary and human anatomy.  Children learn to express their emotions with both English and French vocabulary and build on their empathy, which supports their social and problem solving skills.  As proud Canadians, we are learning the National anthem en francais along with familiar places in our beautiful country.


Care of the Environment

Throughout the day, the children work hard to keep our indoor and outdoor environment beautiful and thriving. This promotes organization, responsibility, cooperation, productivity and appreciation of aesthetic beauty.

Please click “Care of the Environment” for more photos.


Autumn Fun!

To welcome Autumn, we have decorated our classroom with some of our special art pieces, which include ink blotted leaves, pumpkin mobiles, an Autumn wreath, and hand printed leaves for our tree. We have enjoyed reading books and singing songs about Autumn. The children are looking forward to some upcoming apple tasting. We can’t wait to taste the delicious variety of apples!

Please click “Autumn Fun!” for more photos and information.



North Casa began the new season of Autumn by learning about how apples grow.  We learned all the parts and life cycle of an apple, coloured worksheets, ‘pricked a shape’ apples and even decorated apples in our classroom.  We tasted Red Delicious, McIntosh, Golden Delicious and Granny Smith.  The apple tasting was delicious!
