
Butterfly Life Cycle

Learning the life cycle of a butterfly is a fun one to learn in the classroom since the children are able to watch the caterpillars turn into butterflies in real time!

Please click for more photos and details about life cycles in a Montessori classroom.


Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Part of the Montessori curriculum is to have the children engage with and gain a deep respect and appreciation for nature and life. We incorporate this into the classroom by having the children experience and observe the life cycle of a butterfly in real time.

Please click for more information and photos!


Making Ten

In this early math activity, the child uses coloured bead bars that represent the quantities 1 – 10 to make various combinations that equal 10. They can also work on Making Ten colouring sheets to help process what they are learning.

Please click to see how!


Earth Day!

On April 22nd, we celebrate Earth Day. Our Casa community spent several days learning about our amazing planet. We also discussed various ways to take care of it.

Please click for more details and the special Earth day poem we learned.


Continents of the World!

By assembling the Continents of the World puzzle and through three-period lessons, children learn the shape, location and name of each of the world’s continents. What a great culture lesson!

Please click for more information!


Fun Friday!

To end our school week we included Fun Friday! This includes activities like construction blocks such as lego, bristle blocks, and trio blocks. The children express their creative side through various art activities such as collage and painting. We also enjoy gross motor movements through a dance party where we play freeze dance! 

Please click to see samples of the children’s works of art.


Feeding a Squirrel With Sonia!

This squirrel comes to visit Sonia’s backyard for some peanuts in shells! Take a look at how the squirrel carries and eats the peanuts. Please click to watch the video!


Magnetic Experiment With Ayisha!

Let’s explore magnetic and non-magnetic objects with Ayisha! We will use a magnet to try and pick up various objects. Can you guess which items are magnetic and which ones are not? Some of them are tricky. Please click to watch the video!
