
Practical Life Activities

“The child can only develop fully by means of experience in his environment. We call such experience ‘work’.” -Maria Montessori. Practical life tasks provide an opportunity for the children’s development in the categories of Motor Skill, Self Care, Care of Environment as well as Grace and Courtesy.

Please click on “Practical Life Activities” to read about the Practical Life Area and for the photo gallery of work on these activities.



Yoga is an ancient form of exercise and meditation that involves slow movements and deep breathing. Practicing this art aids in the children’s relaxation and balance, body control, and self-discipline. Some of the children’s favourite poses are the “lion”, “mighty mountain”, “sun salutation”, and “downward dog”.

Please click on “Yoga” to see more info and photos.


French Class

The Casa children participate in a weekly French class with our French teacher, Cheeba. With the aid of a variety of songs, poems, flash cards and power point presentations, the children interactively learn how to count and expand their French vocabulary.

Please click on “French Class” to read more about French class and to find out some of the children’s favourite French songs.


Back to School!

Preliminary activities in Casa can include rolling and unrolling a mat, carrying a tray, tucking in a chair, walking on a line, and sorting objects into categories. Reviewing the customs and preliminary activities are a foundation for the day-to-day harmonious function of the classroom. We look forward to another great year in Casa!

Please click on “Back to School!” to see more photos and information!


Music Class

The children participate in half-an-hour of music class weekly at Downtown Montessori. Their teacher, Adriana, helps them connect with their musical self and begin to develop basic musicality.


French Class

The children participate in our weekly French class in small groups. Elisa incorporates stories, games, songs, and other fun activities that encourage repetition of basic vocabulary like colours, numbers, shapes, and family members. It is wonderful to see children pick up French books independently and recreate the stories they have read.


Canada 150 Celebration!

Happy Canada Day! We all came together for our annual community gathering and celebrated Canada’s 150th birthday. The children in Casa put on a performance singing songs like “Land of the Silver Birch”, and showed off their skills with ukuleles!

Please click on “Canada 150 Celebration!” to view more photos.


Canada 150

Casa commemorated Canada’s 150th birthday through a month of Canadian themed circle times, lessons and artwork.

Please click on “Canada 150” to read more and listen to the Casa children’s rendition of “O Canada” in English and French.


Yoga for Children

Several articles have been published regarding the benefits of yoga for children’s health and mental well-being as well as on how parents can start a yoga practice in the home.

Please click on “Yoga for Children” for these articles.


Celebrating Aboriginal Day!

We read stories and learned about Indigenous culture, created art, and discussed traditional clothing and some of the cultural items such as inukshuks, totems, tepees and dream catchers.

“We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children” – Aboriginal proverb

Please click on “Celebrating Aboriginal Day!” for more photos.
