
Pumpkin and Gourd Exploration

We observed the different colours, shapes and sizes of pumpkins and gourds, and learned about the life cycles and names of the parts. As children explore, they become inquisitive of the natural environment around them, helping them to have a better understanding and respect for nature.

Please click for more information and photos.


Autumn and Halloween Practical Life Activities

One of the ways we introduce, integrate, and celebrate events in our Casa community is through our Practical Life activities. Materials for activities such as transferring, lacing, gluing, and sifting are changed regularly to reflect the new season or upcoming celebrations.

Please click for more information.


Sunflower Art

Fall is here!  Let us start it off with a fun and easy sunflower art!

Please click for the instructions.


Chemical Reactions!

South Casa explored the wonderful world of chemistry this month. All of the experiments created cool reactions by combining certain ingredients. Check out how we created and revealed this secret message!

Please click for more information and photos!


Wooden Number Puzzle

In the Casa classroom, we have a variety of number related activities, such as this wooden number puzzle. As the numbers increase, the level of difficulty substantially increases. This challenges the mathematical mind, not only through number recognition and counting, but also through shape, construction and spatial awareness.

Please click for full photos and info!


Camping Fun

We are currently involved in exploring “All Things Camping”, and we are immersing ourselves. All we are missing are the night stars and a tent! 

Please click for more details and photos.



This spring, our West Casa children participated in the creation of our garden! Each of our friends got a turn digging holes, planting, and watering. Since planting, we have had many butterflies visiting. Such a great experience and wonderful sense of community!

Please click for more photos!


Talking Feather Stick

The talking feather stick is used by Indigenous Peoples as a way to make sure that each person who wishes to speak is heard during important meetings or gatherings. The talking feather stick is symbolic of life, nature and how we must respectfully listen to each other in order to learn.

Please click for more details on how we incorporated this in our community.


Painted Lady Butterflies

In the first week of June, the Casa community ventured to the playground to release the painted lady butterflies after observing their metamorphosis. It was a joyous experience as the children cheered with excitement as each butterfly flew! 

Please click for more photos.


Caring For Plants

The children learn to take pride and responsibility in their Care of the Environment. One of the activities to promote this is caring for plants: learning how much water they need, watering, and gently dusting or misting their leaves.
