Gross Motor


In the Under 2 environment, we foster the need for climbing and exploration by encouraging the infants to practice climbing in a safe manner. Here we see the children using the stairs and indoor slide in the classroom to further develop their balance, coordination, and gross motor skills. (Please click for more information and the full photos.)


Walking on a Balance Path

The children love to build the balance path in various configurations for everyone to share. We have large and small stepping stones that help improve our balance and coordination. We challenge ourselves with the narrow pieces, almost like walking on a balance beam.

Please click ‘view’ for the full photos.


Outdoor Play

The outdoor space is a rich sensory area as it offers a wide variety of textures, temperatures, smells and sights, while allowing the children to form a relationship with nature to enjoy and care for it.

Please click ‘view’ for more info and the full photos!
