
Quarantine Scavenger Hunt with Susanna!

In our Under Two Community, all of our children have a sense of wonder and curiosity as they discover and learn about the world around them. Susanna has made a sample list for a scavenger hunt. Please click for a printable version of the list. Happy hunting!


Reader’s Scavenger Hunt with Laura!

Going for a walk, either in the neighbourhood or on a path, can be an enriching, learning experience for a young child. Integrating a scavenger hunt can help your child engage, become more observant, and practice some reading! Here are lists of words, according to the reading level of your Casa child. Some of the words are more suited for a neighbourhood stroll and some are more suited for a nature walk. Please click “view” for more details and examples of words. Happy hunting!


Phonics Practice with Vicky!

Vicky from our Casa classroom helped her nephew practice reading the phonetic reader “Plums” to celebrate the spring season. Please click “view” for the video and their activity after.


Sign Language

Sign language, one of the forms of expression in the Under 3 community, helps children still acquiring verbal skills to communicate their needs and wants. We have a set of sign language cards that the children enjoy exploring. On each card is a picture of the object on one side and the sign on the other. The child is able to practice verbalizing and signing each word with this activity.

Please click “Sign Language” for more details and photos.


Language Acquisition

Enriching a child’s vocabulary fosters the ability to clearly communicate and express oneself. Children’s brains are primed to learn language from before birth to age six, the most critical period for language acquisition, when language can be learned effortlessly. Language in the Montessori classroom is taught in many different ways, such as through storytelling, songs and poems, encouraging self expression, identifying and matching objects to nomenclature cards, and labeling photo representations on nomenclature cards.


Sign Language

The children learn to use sign language to aid in their communication. The child in the above photo is imitating a sign for “cookie” depicted by a photo on one side of a card and the corresponding sign on the other. Sign Language practice helps promote self-expression, movement and hand-eye coordination.

Please click on “Sign Language” to see more photos of children signing.


Sign Language

In the Under 2 program, we practice sign language in our everyday interactions. The teachers use sign language to communicate with the children and vice versa. Sign language empowers the children with one another and provides ways to express their feelings, wants and needs.

Please click on “Sign Language” to see examples of children in our classroom signing the words “more”, “please”, and “thank you”.
