
Music and Movement

The Under 2’s favourite action song right now is “Sleeping Bunnies”. The teachers introduce various animals as well as animal sounds (Sleeping Tigers, Elephants, etc.). The children lay on the floor pretending to sleep and wait for the cue to wake up, hop like a bunny, make an animal sound or stomp their feet, then stop and restart the game with a new sleeping animal. (Click for full photos and more information.)


Holiday Celebration

To celebrate the holiday season, East and West Casa families gathered to sing Christmas carols and a Hanukkah song, accompanied by our music teacher Adriana on the piano. Some of the children also performed “Jingle Bells” on the Bells or Ukulele instruments. (Click for full photos!)


Musical Instruments

Young children learn through the senses as they interact with their environment. In the Under 2 classroom, we offer different types of materials that engage a child’s sense of touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell, among others. Exploring musical sounds enhances creativity, expression, autonomy, and an awareness of cause and effect. (Click for more information!)


Group Time

In the Under 2 Room, the children are encouraged to take part in group time to help develop their social and interactive skills with one another, as well as further their language skills. Finger puppets like these 5 Little Monkeys are some of their favourite props. (Please click for the full photos and more information.)


Playing the Xylophone While Singing

While we wait for Adriana to come to our Under 3 classroom for Music class, we sing “Adriana, Adriana, where are you?” If she catches us at just the right moment, she sings her reply, “Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?” One of our friends decided to play and sing while excitedly waiting for Adriana. Please click to watch the video and for more information and photos!


Music and Movement

Incorporating music into a Montessori curriculum enriches the learning experience by engaging children’s senses, fostering creativity, enhancing motor development and coordination, and supporting their overall development in alignment with Montessori principles of child-centered education. (Click for more information and full photos.)


Practicing for our Concert

The children at Coatsworth do a performance for the families each June. All through the month, we practice our songs for the concert. Please click to see a video of a child practicing the song “Skinnamarink” for our performance this year.


Family Day Event!

In celebration of Family Day, the families of Simcoe Place were invited to an exciting music class with Adriana! The children were able to proudly showcase their musical talents with songs and instruments, demonstrating their lovely singing voices, as well as playing the ukulele and Montessori bells. In celebrating family, we were able to express the love, devotion and happiness that we share each day at our school and in our Casa program! (Please click for more information).


Holiday Cheer

This holiday season, the Casa East community wanted to spread some holiday cheer! We practiced singing along to Jingle Bells and even made our own bells to play as we performed for the Under 2 community. All the children had fun showcasing their talents and we wish everyone Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays! (Click to check out the effects!)


The Importance of Music

Music is a form of communication and children learn music the same way they learn language, by listening and imitating from a young age. Providing music throughout the day promotes language development, fine motor skills, imagination, and a sense of rhythm, and can provide a fun method of physical fitness as well. (Please click for more information.)
