
Sprouting Green Lentils With Bhoomi!

Watch what happens when Bhoomi from our Casa classroom scoops lentils into a cup, drizzles some water on top, and leaves it for a couple of days. Now you can make a delicious meal! Click to see the video!


Out of This World!

The children have been travelling to galaxies far, far away by reading books, colouring fact sheets, cutting on a line to space objects, singing songs, exploring sensory materials, and role playing being astronauts. What an “out of this world” learning experience!

Please click “Out of This World!” for more info and photos.


Volcano Science Experiment

We learned about how volcanoes form, why they erupt and how the eruption can affect people and animals. We created our own volcano using sand, a volcano mold, citric acid, and baking soda, mimicking a little eruption.

Please click “Volcano Science Experiment” for more information.


Science Discovery

In our Under 3 Montessori classroom, we encourage the children to explore various aspects of science to encourage a sense of wonder and appreciation of the world around us. We conducted a science experiment involving baking soda, vinegar, and food colouring. As the ingredients mixed and reacted, the children watched in joy and astonishment as the colourful baking soda began to bubble and expand.


Metamorphosis of a Butterfly

We had the opportunity to witness the metamorphosis of a butterfly. We received many containers with a caterpillar in each. In the days following, we observed each of the caterpillars molt and evolve into a chrysalis and then emerge as a beautiful Painted Lady Butterfly. The butterflies dried their wings and we were able to watch their proboscis (tongue) uncoil as they sipped the Gatorade from the mesh. Later we gathered in the playground to set the butterflies free into their natural habitat. What an amazing experience!



During the month of May, the Under 3 community had the opportunity to observe the life cycle of a butterfly: from a small caterpillar to a large Painted Lady butterfly. In addition to examining the caterpillars, the children learned about the parts of the butterfly and the life cycle using nomenclature cards and jigsaw puzzles.

Please click “Butterflies!” to read more about our experience.


Gardening and Harvesting!

The children have been busy pulling weeds, collecting yard waste, watering plants, and keeping our playground beautiful. We planted beans, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, lavender, morning glories, and our ribbon plant cuttings, maintained them and watched them grow.

Please click “Gardening and Harvesting!” for more photos and information.


Watch Me Grow!

In the Under 3 classroom, we did an experiment with a sweet potato. We submerged half a sweet potato in water and waited to see what would happen.

Please click on “Watch Me Grow” to see what happened and what we did next!


Our Honeybee Project

In exploring about ways to protect the Earth and conserve its resources, the Casa class started the Honeybee Initiative. The class explored different aspects regarding bees such as their function, importance and anatomy. We also did our part by planting sunflowers with each child caring for a plant. Please help Save Our Bees!

Please click on “Our Honeybee Project” for more information about the Honeybee Initiative.
