Under 3

Artistic Expression

Art is a great way for children to express themselves. It also helps to develop fine motor skills, use of tools, problem solving skills and self-confidence. The Montessori environment provides open-ended art activities to help the children to explore and use their creativity. On the art shelf, watercolour painting, gluing collage materials, playdough, chalk with a chalkboard and various art mediums are accessible and available to the children throughout the day. (Click to read Dr Montessori’s quote and for full photos.)


Festive Celebrations

Children love to take part in festive celebrations. When placing ornaments on the tree, candles on the Menorah, and learning about Kwanzaa, children absorb their environment and foster an appreciation of various holidays. They are also working on their eye-hand coordination, fine motor development, and concentration. (Click for full photos!)


Dramatic Play

Dramatic play allows our Under 3 community to express their creativity, develop language skills, and enhance social interactions. Dramatic play nurtures the whole child, laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning and interpersonal development. (Click for more information and full photos!)


Playing the Xylophone While Singing

While we wait for Adriana to come to our Under 3 classroom for Music class, we sing “Adriana, Adriana, where are you?” If she catches us at just the right moment, she sings her reply, “Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?” One of our friends decided to play and sing while excitedly waiting for Adriana. Please click to watch the video and for more information and photos!



The children begin with a large-knobbed puzzle and make their way through to multi-piece jigsaw puzzles. Puzzles foster a child’s cognitive and fine motor development and are a great way to encourage hand control and small muscle development. They promote concentration, coordination, problem solving and a sense of order, and support spatial awareness. (Click for full photos and more information.)


Summer Fun

Summer is an exciting time to take part in fun, water activity-based programs outdoors, cooking activities, and greater creative experiences outside. Here are photos of the children enjoying sprinkler play, colouring on a chalk board, and filling fruit yogurt popsicle molds. (Please click for more information.)


Music and Movement

Incorporating music into a Montessori curriculum enriches the learning experience by engaging children’s senses, fostering creativity, enhancing motor development and coordination, and supporting their overall development in alignment with Montessori principles of child-centered education. (Click for more information and full photos.)


Practicing for our Concert

The children at Coatsworth do a performance for the families each June. All through the month, we practice our songs for the concert. Please click to see a video of a child practicing the song “Skinnamarink” for our performance this year.


Planting Beans

Engaging children with nature is important to be able to give them the opportunity to explore and understand the natural world and will support their respect and appreciation for the environment. The Under 3 class observed lifecycle of a plant objects and discussed the seed, seedling, and plant and what is needed for growth. (Click for the full photos and information on the planting and nurturing the children participated in.)


Refinement of Movement

The children are seen here using some of the Refinement of Movement activities that are provided in the Under 3 classroom. The lock and key activity promotes eye-hand coordination, twisting movements, and a pincer grasp. The cutting activity allows the children to strengthen their hand muscles and grip strength. (Please click for more information and full photos.)
