Under 3

Downtown Montessori Staycation!

Our Downtown Montessori families are so resilient and making the most of it! The children are loving the quality time with their families.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon! Please click to see the video!


Vortex With Ayisha!

Let’s watch Ayisha use a tornado tube connected to two bottles! You have to shake it with a twisting motion, which causes a vortex or twister to form. So neat! Please click to see the video!


Fiber Optic Lamp With Ayisha!

Let’s take a look at this rotating fiber optic lamp with Ayisha! What beautiful colours as the light pulses through the optical fibers! Are you ready for it to get dark and to see the colours glow brightly? Please click for the video!


Flashlight Patterns With Ayisha!

To celebrate Canada Day, let’s look at a maple leaf pattern with a flashlight! Since it’s also summer, let’s look at some of the bugs we might see. Can we affect the size and brightness by moving closer and further away? Please click to watch the video!


Maria F.’s Pet Snake!

Let’s meet Maria’s pet snake Kielbasa, a five-year-old ball phyton. Please click to learn more about Kielbasa and to watch the video. Look at Kielbasa slither! 


Toronto Zoo Scenic Safari

Brittany, Sue and the kids enjoyed the Toronto Zoo Scenic Safari. They toured the zoo from the comfort of their car. They connected to the podcast that describes the various animals and their habitats. Please click for the photos and more details. Enjoy!


Volcano With Ayisha!

Let’s watch Ayisha make a “volcano” explode with some baking soda, red food colouring, and vinegar! You can easily do this at home with a funnel, a paper towel roll cut short or paper mache. Have fun! Please click to see the video!
