
Vortex With Ayisha!

Let’s watch Ayisha use a tornado tube connected to two bottles! You have to shake it with a twisting motion, which causes a vortex or twister to form. So neat! Please click to see the video!


Mashed Potatoes With Ayisha!

Watch as Ayisha makes some garlic mashed potatoes in a crockpot! They’re so easy to make and delicious! Please click to see the video and recipe!


Vita Doing Pour Painting!

Here is Vita from our Under 2 classroom doing some pour painting inspired by Monica H! Such beautiful paintings! Please click for the full photos and a link to Monica’s painting so you can do it at home!


Fiber Optic Lamp With Ayisha!

Let’s take a look at this rotating fiber optic lamp with Ayisha! What beautiful colours as the light pulses through the optical fibers! Are you ready for it to get dark and to see the colours glow brightly? Please click for the video!


“Little Sock” Narrated by Monica D!

Let’s listen to the story, “Little Sock” narrated by Monica D! It’s wash day for the Socks, but where has Little Sock gone? Let’s find out! Please click to watch the video!


Flashlight Patterns With Ayisha!

To celebrate Canada Day, let’s look at a maple leaf pattern with a flashlight! Since it’s also summer, let’s look at some of the bugs we might see. Can we affect the size and brightness by moving closer and further away? Please click to watch the video!


Water Play With Vita!

Here is Vita cooling down with some water play in our summer heat! So refreshing. Please click for the full photos!


Exercise and Nutrition With Sam!

Let’s find out different ways to exercise with Sam and learn about nutrition! What is your favourite way to keep fit? Please click to watch the video!


Volcano With Ayisha!

Let’s watch Ayisha make a “volcano” explode with some baking soda, red food colouring, and vinegar! You can easily do this at home with a funnel, a paper towel roll cut short or paper mache. Have fun! Please click to see the video!


“And Also!” Story Narrated by Monica D!

Thabo’s make-believe world has no room for his little sister Keitu, in “And Also”, narrated by Monica D. But Keitu has other ideas. Please click to watch how they bring their ideas together in this video!
