
Creating Colours With Sam!

Let’s learn how we can mix primary colours and create secondary colours with Sam! This is really easy to do at home and educational. Please click to watch the video!


Canada Geese With Ayisha!

Morningside Creek is right near Ayisha’s house and a red fox eluded Ayisha as it walked right in front of her home. Bunnies usually come by as well. These Canada Geese and goslings were enjoying a quiet afternoon at the creek! Please click to watch the video!


Sign Language With Kinsi!

Let’s learn how to communicate in baby sign language with Kinsi! How many of these signs can you remember? Please click to watch the video!


Max Splashing in a Puddle!

Here is Max splashing in a puddle! When you’re dressed for the rain in a raincoat, splash pants, and rain boots, it’s so much fun to find every puddle!


Planting Flowers With Ayisha!

Let’s watch as Ayisha transplants petunias into her planter box, then waters them. What a windy day! What is your favourite colour? Please click to see the video!


American Sign Language With Sam!

Let’s do some ASL with Sam! We often use these as the children are learning language in the Under 2 and Under 3 classroom to help them communicate. Can you do them? Please click to see the video!


Rouge River and Deer With Abeba!

Abeba loves to go for walks with her family at Morningside Park where she follows a path through the woods, explores the Rouge river, and sometimes even finds a deer! Please click to see the video!


Fiona’s Having Fun!

Fiona, from our Under 3 classroom, has been spending her time at home putting together a floor puzzle, scooting in a local empty parking lot, and chalk painting in the driveway! Looks like fun! Please click for the full photos!


Amelia’s Adventures!

Amelia has been talking a little more, playing “office”, baking, doing some dry and wet pouring, and watching the stories and songs the teachers are posting! Please click to see a video of her playing office!
