Infinity Place

Indigenous Inspired Drumming Circle

The children participated in an Indigenous inspired drumming circle. Michael Anderson of Monkey Business Creative Services led this special circle.

Please click “Indigenous Inspired Drumming Circle” for more information and photos.


Summer Fun

Our Summer program includes various theme days that provide the children with an opportunity to experience something different and FUN! They may be asked to bring in an item from home, a silly hat, favourite stuffed toy or book. The day may also focus on a craft or on special events taking place around our city.

Please click “Summer Fun” for more details and photos.


Miigwech (Thank You)

We were excited to host our summer family BBQ and fundraising event in support of The Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto. The teachers and children together created Indigenous inspired artwork on canvases and garden stepping stones for our silent auction. We also had a food truck come to provide the delicious food. Fire It Up BBQ catering did an amazing job and everyone had a great time!

Please click “Miigwech (Thank You)” for more photos.



We offer puzzles to children on a daily basis. Activities involving fine motor development help children learn to rotate their wrists and use their fingers more constructively. Working with children help them learn to manipulate their hands in unique ways and even to use them simultaneously to complete a given task. Puzzles strengthen the muscles in the hands and wrists, promote cognitive development, and reinforce hand-eye coordination, which are skills they will use for the rest of their lives.

Please click “Puzzles” to read more about puzzle activities.



In addition to the weekly music class, Adriana takes two children from each Casa class to practice playing the Montessori bells. In these lessons, Adriana teaches the children how to read music notes from low do to high do. She also teaches them rhythms and melodies. Once the children are comfortable reading notes and playing different rhythms, Adriana helps them compose their own song.

Please click “Music” to read more.


French Class Video!

In our French class, we are currently exploring the book: “Harry Learns French” by Sue Finnie & Daniele Bourdais. The children are learning some key phrases, as well as, identifying foods, items found in the home, and so much more, as the character Harry visits France and explores a farm, the town and the airport.

Please click “French Class Video!” to see our video and learn more about our French curriculum.



In the Under 3 Community, sewing is one of the challenging activities as it includes a sequence of steps and the manipulation of two objects at the same time.

Please click “Sewing” to continue reading and view more photos.


Pouring Activity

The materials in the Practical Life area of the Montessori community are meant to provide children with opportunities to coordinate and refine their hand movements by means of experience, particularly through repetition. The pouring activities aim to encourage precise movement, concentration, confidence, and independence by learning to do this task independently.

Please click on “Pouring Activity” to read more about pouring activities.


Snake Game

In this Montessori Math activity, the child uses coloured bead bars to signify quantities, further reinforcing combinations that make 10. This colour scheme is the basis of the Montessori Math materials and will follow the child as they proceed to more complex Math materials such as the coloured multiplication beads or the skip counting beads.

Please click “Snake Game” to read more about the activity and to view photos.


Holiday Tree

Once a child has mastered the visual discrimination materials in the Sensorial area, they are free to explore different combinations. The children are building a holiday tree these materials.

Please click “Holiday Tree” to read more and to view the full image of their holiday tree.
