Infinity Place

Sign Language

The children learn to use sign language to aid in their communication. The child in the above photo is imitating a sign for “cookie” depicted by a photo on one side of a card and the corresponding sign on the other. Sign Language practice helps promote self-expression, movement and hand-eye coordination.

Please click on “Sign Language” to see more photos of children signing.


Peek- A-Boo

Children under 2 love to play with scarves or hats, which they discover are a lot of fun to put on or take off. One of their favourite games to play using these items is peek-a-boo! Activities such as this promote social development and receptive language skills, as well as reinforce the concept of object permanence.

Please click “Peek- A-Boo” to for more information and photos.


French Class

The Casa children participate in a weekly French class with our French teacher, Cheeba. With the aid of a variety of songs, poems, flash cards and power point presentations, the children interactively learn how to count and expand their French vocabulary.

Please click on “French Class” to read more about French class and to find out some of the children’s favourite French songs.


Music Class

The children participate in half-an-hour of music class weekly at Downtown Montessori. Their teacher, Adriana, helps them connect with their musical self and begin to develop basic musicality.


Celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday

Everyone enjoyed celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday. The children in the Under 3 community participated in a variety of fun and meaningful activities!

Please click on “Celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday” to learn more about these activities.


Dramatic Play

Dramatic play is a part of every child’s growth and development. It often occurs in the form of imitation, as most children do this in their process of adaptation. Thus, allowing them the opportunity to develop a sense of self and receptive language skills.

Please click on “Dramatic Play” for more information and photos.


Our Honeybee Project

In exploring about ways to protect the Earth and conserve its resources, the Casa class started the Honeybee Initiative. The class explored different aspects regarding bees such as their function, importance and anatomy. We also did our part by planting sunflowers with each child caring for a plant. Please help Save Our Bees!

Please click on “Our Honeybee Project” for more information about the Honeybee Initiative.


Yoga Practice

The practice of yoga helps the children become aware of their body and strengthens their control of movement, thus encouraging the development of self-discipline. Of course, the best part for the children is having their own mat!

Please click on “Yoga Practice” for more information about yoga.


Epilepsy Awareness Month

March is Epilepsy Awareness Month.  March 26th is Purple Day.  This day is an international grassroots effort dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy. On Purple Day, people worldwide are invited to wear purple and host events in support of epilepsy awareness.

Please click “Epilepsy Awareness Month” to read how we will be taking part in this event.


Opening and Closing Containers

This activity provides children with the opportunity to use their developing hand-eye coordination, concentration and cognitive skills. These skills benefit the children as they become more independent and develop their sense of self and capabilities.

Please click on “Opening and Closing Containers” to see photos and more information.
