
French Class

During our weekly French class, the children are exposed to songs, poems, learning cards and games through which they learn vocabulary pertaining to colours, foods, days of the week, months of the year, weather, animals, shapes, numbers and simple phrases and questions.


Summer BBQ

We were excited to host our summer family BBQ! This year’s fundraising event is in support of Pancreatic Cancer Canada. We had a food truck come provide the delicious barbecued food. Fire It Up BBQ catering did an amazing job! The bake sale was also a great success. We had the generous support of our families and staff who supplied all the baked goodies. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we come together as a community. A great time was had by everyone!


Sprinkler Day Fun!

Summer is here! The children enjoy spending more time outside embracing the warm sunny weather. They get super excited on Sprinkler day! It is a time for them to splash in puddles, fill buckets to the brim, play catch with water toys and most importantly, run through the sprinkler. It is a great way to stay cool on a hot sunny day!



In addition to playing the Montessori bells, the older Casa children have also been learning how to play the ukulele weekly. The children have been playing many songs using the C, C7, F, and G7 chords. Through their exposure to the ukulele, the children have also been exploring various music notation concepts such as notes, the staff, musical alphabet, clefs, and time signature. 

Please click “Ukulele” for more photos and information about what songs the children have been playing.


Celebrating Pride Month

In North Casa, the children are celebrating Pride month. It is a celebration of unity, love and community. The children enjoyed creating their own rainbow art using markers, paint and construction paper. We also explored and discussed books on the diversity of families.



We observe the life cycle of a butterfly from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly, right in our own classroom! While we watch for the butterflies to emerge, the children have the opportunity to do extended activities, such as a life cycle puzzle, a life cycle book with objects and matching cards, as well as drip art and prick a shape butterflies. Once all the butterflies emerge, we take them outside on a warm, sunny day and release them into nature. What an experience!

Please click “Butterflies!” for more information and photos!


Yoga “Lion” Pose

In recent yoga classes, Cheeba has focused on teaching the children the “lion” pose. This particular pose is geared to help children work through complex emotions by incorporating relaxation breathing. In this pose, the children inhale then deeply and silently exhale, thus allowing them to release any unwanted energy they may have.

Please click “Yoga ‘Lion’ Pose” for more details on yoga classes.


We the North!

Celebrating the Toronto Raptors – NBA Champions!! We the North!!

Please click “We the North!” for lots more photos!


Addition With Number Rods

As an extension of the Number Rods activity, the child may be introduced to addition using the rods. The child adds two quantities together by physically placing the corresponding rods end to end. The child then counts out the quantities to arrive at the answer.

Please click “Addition With Number Rods” for more information.


Skip Counting

The child begins by placing one of the chains from the bead cabinet, its corresponding tickets, squares, cube, and counter on their math tray. This activity allows the child to visually see what it looks like when skip counting. Indirectly, the activity prepares the mind for multiplication, squaring, and cubing.

Please click “Skip Counting” for details on how a child works on skip counting.
