

In addition to the weekly music class, Adriana takes two children from each Casa class to practice playing the Montessori bells. In these lessons, Adriana teaches the children how to read music notes from low do to high do. She also teaches them rhythms and melodies. Once the children are comfortable reading notes and playing different rhythms, Adriana helps them compose their own song.

Please click “Music” to read more.


Wonders of Space

The children of South Casa have been exploring the wonders of space through reading materials, matching games, singing songs, exploring space objects, and through arts and crafts. The children have created a space shuttle using paint and recycled materials, as well as starting to make a 3D model of the solar system, beginning with the sun.

Please click on “Wonders of Space” for more photos and information.


French Class Video!

In our French class, we are currently exploring the book: “Harry Learns French” by Sue Finnie & Daniele Bourdais. The children are learning some key phrases, as well as, identifying foods, items found in the home, and so much more, as the character Harry visits France and explores a farm, the town and the airport.

Please click “French Class Video!” to see our video and learn more about our French curriculum.


Math: The Dot Game

The Dot Game is one of the most advanced Casa math materials. The child must be very familiar with the hierarchy of the decimal system in order to process various mathematical operations. In particular, carrying over becomes visual and manual, which solidifies the child’s understanding.

Please click on “Math: The Dot Game” for more information.


Praise Versus Encouragement

Maria Montessori believed that excessive, long-term praise can inhibit children from gaining independence because they rely heavily on the praise of those in positions of authority. As an alternative, encouragement can be empowering.

Please click “Praise Versus Encouragement” to read some examples.


Yoga Class

The children take part in a weekly yoga class with Cheeba. In this picture, the children are working together to form a flower with their bodies! Yoga is an ancient form of exercise and meditation that involves slow movements and deep breathing. It helps the children become aware of and gain control of their bodies, aids in relaxation, balance, a sense of calmness, and the development of self-discipline.

Please click “Yoga Class” to see more photos.



The Casa children partake in a food preparation activity weekly, in addition to peeling, spreading, etc. throughout the week. We create foods such as bread, cakes, and cookies, as well as non-baked goods such as smoothies and rice crispy squares. The best part is getting to eat our creation!

Please click on “Baking!” to see more photos and information.


Snake Game

In this Montessori Math activity, the child uses coloured bead bars to signify quantities, further reinforcing combinations that make 10. This colour scheme is the basis of the Montessori Math materials and will follow the child as they proceed to more complex Math materials such as the coloured multiplication beads or the skip counting beads.

Please click “Snake Game” to read more about the activity and to view photos.


Music With Adriana!

Adriana incorporates various instruments such as the tambourine, drums, flute, guitar, shakers, and bells into the weekly music program. The bells are an important part of our Montessori curriculum. The children take great pride in performing songs on the bells in front of their classmates and look forward to their music class. Adriana has recently begun to teach the older students beginner ukulele.


Music Class with Adriana

In our Montessori environment, it is important that the children have a well-rounded array of experiences, giving them the opportunity to find their passion in life. Our music teacher Adriana creates fun and engaging classes consisting of three components. The children work in small groups to learn the ukulele and others work with the bells. We then have all of the children come together to sing, learn musical vocabulary, notes, rhythms and play instruments.

Please click on “Music Class with Adriana” to see more photos.
