
National Indigenous History Month

In honour of this special month, the children have been learning about the Anishnaabe Medicine Wheel and its symbolism. Learning about the medicine wheel helps young children understand the cycles and balance of life, the Earth, seasons, and time. We also enjoyed playing rhythms on our Indigenous drum together. Please click to find out what the items on the medicine wheel represent and for more photos!



The children helped to beautify and care for our playground by planting a variety of flowers in the planters. They worked together to dig holes in the soil, then placed small seedlings into the holes. They spread soil around the planters, and then watered the flowers. (Please click for more information.)


Rock Cycle and Fossil Excavation

We learned how fossils are made over thousands of years through the same pressure and time it takes as the rock cycle. We used a fossil digging kit to carefully uncover and dust off 15 different types of fossils such as shark teeth and coral. (Please click for the full information and photos.)


Snake Game Extension

In addition to the Snake Game, the children work on colouring sheets showing a colourful snake as well as a golden snake, learning the properties of the coloured bead bars. Once the child has mastered the snake game, they place the bead bars in the patterns shown on various control cards, making a variety of combinations of equations that they can later print out. (Please click for more information and full photos.)


Science and Nature

With the Spring season underway, we have been exploring and experimenting with nature. We experimented with flowers in food colouring; planted peas, flowers, and pumpkin seeds; watered our seedlings, and are watching them grow. (Please click for more information and the full photos).


Pythagoras Square

The Pythagoras Square is a beautiful, colourful sensorial expression of the multiplication table. It consists of 10 squares and 90 rectangles. Once the child has completed the Pythagoras Square, they may colour the corresponding worksheet to bring home their own Pythagoras Square. (Please click to find out more!)


The Warmth of the Sun

As the season changed from winter to spring, the children observed how water left on the table from melting ice over night has frozen due to being so cold, and how the sun coming up warmed everything so that it may begin to start melting again. (Please click for the full photo and more information!)


Creating Carbon Dioxide

During the winter months, we participated in snow related activities such as observing solids to liquids, colouring snow, creating sculptures like inukshuks and igloos, and other science experiments. How does this melting snowflake experiment using baking soda, water, and vinegar create carbon dioxide as well as a natural cleaning product that neutralizes odours? Please click to find out and see the full photos!


Family Day Celebration

The children enjoyed having a snack with their families and making heart-themed crafts. It’s so wonderful getting to spend time with our DTMS families and building a sense of community while promoting parent involvement in our programs. (Please click for more information.)


Valentine’s Day!

In honour of Valentine’s Day, we participated in process-oriented valentine art. We took turns pulling names from a hat, then set to work to craft a one-of-a-kind valentine. We presented each other with our special gift on Valentine’s Day during our sharing circle. The children looked proud and pleased to both give and receive these keepsakes. (Please click for full photos.)
