Practical Life

Back to School!

Preliminary activities in Casa can include rolling and unrolling a mat, carrying a tray, tucking in a chair, walking on a line, and sorting objects into categories. Reviewing the customs and preliminary activities are a foundation for the day-to-day harmonious function of the classroom. We look forward to another great year in Casa!

Please click on “Back to School!” to see more photos and information!


Snack in the Under 2 Classroom

The children in our Under 2 classroom are invited to share a snack at our child-sized table and chairs, building their social skills, grace and courtesy. Age appropriate dishes and utensils are used to help with self-serving and self-feeding, aiding in the growth of the children’s confidence and abilities.

Please click on “Snack in the Under Two Classroom” to see more photos and information.


Gardening and Harvesting!

The children have been busy pulling weeds, collecting yard waste, watering plants, and keeping our playground beautiful. We planted beans, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, lavender, morning glories, and our ribbon plant cuttings, maintained them and watched them grow.

Please click “Gardening and Harvesting!” for more photos and information.


Watch Me Grow!

In the Under 3 classroom, we did an experiment with a sweet potato. We submerged half a sweet potato in water and waited to see what would happen.

Please click on “Watch Me Grow” to see what happened and what we did next!


Intelligence and the Hand

Maria Montessori introduced a hands on approach to education because she believed that the development of the hand plays an important role in the developing of the mind.

Please click on “Intelligence and the Hand” to see photos of other examples of intelligence and the hand as well as a quote from Maria Montessori.


Cloth Washing

Practical life activities enhance a child’s gross and fine motor control while building self-confidence, thinking outside the self, and empathy for others. These types of activities give a child a sense of belonging and the satisfaction of being productive citizens in their community. What wonderful help in maintaining our classroom by washing place-mats!


Washing Leaves of Plants

Plants bring a little piece of nature and the outdoors into our Under 3 environment. Washing the leaves of the plants in our classroom is one of our Practical Life activities.


Self-Help and Independence

In our Under 3 Montessori classroom, the children are shown easy ways to dress and undress themselves. They learn how to put their jackets on by flipping them over their heads; practice putting their boots on by placing each boot against the nearest wall to aid their balance; work on pulling their snow pants up; and putting their hats and mittens on. Help children to help themselves!


Caring for a Plant

The classroom is a small community for the children, and everyone works together to promote order and peace. One element of the Practical Life activities includes care of the environment. Here, the child is shown how to care for different parts of the classroom.


Arranging Fresh Flowers

Practical life activities are opportunities for children to participate and contribute to their community. Arranging fresh flowers enhances eye-hand coordination, refinement of movement, concentration, aesthetic sense, and coordinates the use of both hands working together. What a beautiful flower arrangement!
