
Melting Ice

Ice play provides a thrilling sensory experience. With the varying textures of ice, along with the cold temperature, this activity helps stimulate children’s growing senses and fosters their sensory exploration and cognitive development. Ice play also offers an opportunity for social interaction and communication as the children engage in collaborative ice exploration together. (Please click for the full photos and more information.)


Taste Testing for Lunar New Year!

To celebrate the Lunar New Year, we explored a lucky fruit – pineapple! The children were invited to touch and explore the pineapple. Then we removed the skin, cut it into pieces, and tasted the sweet fruit. These types of sensorial activities give us a chance to come together and build social skills such as parallel play and taking turns, as well as enrich language, fine motor development, and tactile discrimination. (Please click for full photos and information.)


Snow Dough

The children are molding and shaping cornstarch mixed with some oil to retain its shape. Sensory play enhances the senses, fine motor skills, and eye-hand coordination, and stimulates intellectual development and curiosity. (Please click for full photos and more information.)


Sink or Float?

Young children have a natural curiosity for the world around them. The children had fun engaging in our sink or float science experiment, which helps children explore the concept of buoyancy. Science experiments encourage children to explore their environment and to question how and why something happens. (Please click for full photos.)


Sensory Walk

The children are exploring their sense of touch using their feet! They walked along various materials and explored the different sensations through their feet, comparing how each felt. It is a great activity to help with balance and coordination, and can be fun to create at home. (Please click for more info and full photos.)


Car Wash

The children participated in a car wash during water play in the playground. They enjoyed filling their buckets with the sprinkler, squeezing and making soap suds with soapy water and a sponge, and cleaning different parts of the fire truck. What a great water play activity to do on a warm summer day!


Summer Program

For the months of July and August, we are implementing a fun summer program! Every week we cover a fun theme through crafts, songs, stories, and inventive activities based on that theme. We also have Sprinkler and Water Table Days to help us cool off in the summer heat and have fun while we are at it!


Sprinkler Play

The children enjoy running through the sprinkler, splashing in the puddles, filling buckets with water, and playing with the water toys. It’s a great way to stay cool on a hot sunny day. Splish, splash! (Please click for more information.)



Our infants seem to light up when playdough is offered as one of our sensory and fine motor activities. In addition to sensory exploration, pulling, rolling, poking and grabbing a fist-full of playdough all help to develop their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination.

Please click for more information.


Pouring Water

By pouring water, children are able to practice fine motor movements along with practical life skills. This open ended activity teaches problem solving, simple math skills like less and more, and processing to helping them coordinate their hand movements!
