
Taste Testing for Lunar New Year!

To celebrate the Lunar New Year, we explored a lucky fruit – pineapple! The children were invited to touch and explore the pineapple. Then we removed the skin, cut it into pieces, and tasted the sweet fruit. These types of sensorial activities give us a chance to come together and build social skills such as parallel play and taking turns, as well as enrich language, fine motor development, and tactile discrimination. (Please click for full photos and information.)



In the Under 2 environment, we foster the need for climbing and exploration by encouraging the infants to practice climbing in a safe manner. Here we see the children using the stairs and indoor slide in the classroom to further develop their balance, coordination, and gross motor skills. (Please click for more information and the full photos.)


Car Wash

The children participated in a car wash during water play in the playground. They enjoyed filling their buckets with the sprinkler, squeezing and making soap suds with soapy water and a sponge, and cleaning different parts of the fire truck. What a great water play activity to do on a warm summer day!
