Under 3

Practical Life

Practical Life is an area in which our Under 3 children learn real-life tasks such as scooping, pouring, sweeping, mopping, cooking and taking care of the self and environment. These activities allow the child to develop motor control, self-confidence, thinking outside the self, empathy for others and a feeling of being productive and belonging to the community.

Please click “Practical Life” for more photos.



In the Under 3 Community, sewing is one of the challenging activities as it includes a sequence of steps and the manipulation of two objects at the same time.

Please click “Sewing” to continue reading and view more photos.


Winter Fun!

Our outdoor environment allows children to enhance their equilibrium, gross motor and fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and to coordinate the whole body working together while developing independence. It allows children to form a relationship with nature, to enjoy and care for it and discover our interdependence with nature.
The children are encouraged to discover and preserve the beauty around them while experiencing inner peace and tranquility, a process Dr. Montessori called “cosmic education”.

Please click “Winter Fun!” for more photos.


Child’s Natural Desire to Learn

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” -Maria Montessori.

Please click on “Child’s Natural Desire to Learn” to see more photos of a child’s typical day in the Under 3 classroom.


Language Acquisition

Enriching a child’s vocabulary fosters the ability to clearly communicate and express oneself. Children’s brains are primed to learn language from before birth to age six, the most critical period for language acquisition, when language can be learned effortlessly. Language in the Montessori classroom is taught in many different ways, such as through storytelling, songs and poems, encouraging self expression, identifying and matching objects to nomenclature cards, and labeling photo representations on nomenclature cards.


Sign Language

The children learn to use sign language to aid in their communication. The child in the above photo is imitating a sign for “cookie” depicted by a photo on one side of a card and the corresponding sign on the other. Sign Language practice helps promote self-expression, movement and hand-eye coordination.

Please click on “Sign Language” to see more photos of children signing.


Leaves, Leaves and More Leaves!

Our Under 3 Montessori community participates in keeping our environment beautiful and well maintained. In Autumn, we rake up the fallen leaves and jump on them when the opportunity arises! We collect the leaves and place them in a yard waste bag. What a wonderful way to appreciate our environment and promote being an active participant in our community!

Please click “Leaves, Leaves and More Leaves!” for more information and photos.



Our Under 3 Montessori environment supports the need for children’s sensorimotor development by providing a construction area filled with manipulative materials for a variety of construction uses.

Please click “LET’S GET STACKING!” to read more about the benefits of building activities on children’s development.


Refinement of Movement

Refinement of movement materials help the children to refine small movements of the hand, to exercise and develop hand-eye coordination, and to coordinate two hands working together. These types of activities aid the children in concentration, growth, and independence.


Celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday

Everyone enjoyed celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday. The children in the Under 3 community participated in a variety of fun and meaningful activities!

Please click on “Celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday” to learn more about these activities.
