
Artistic Expression

Art is a great way for children to express themselves. It also helps to develop fine motor skills, use of tools, problem solving skills and self-confidence. The Montessori environment provides open-ended art activities to help the children to explore and use their creativity. On the art shelf, watercolour painting, gluing collage materials, playdough, chalk with a chalkboard and various art mediums are accessible and available to the children throughout the day. (Click to read Dr Montessori’s quote and for full photos.)


Summer Fun

Summer is an exciting time to take part in fun, water activity-based programs outdoors, cooking activities, and greater creative experiences outside. Here are photos of the children enjoying sprinkler play, colouring on a chalk board, and filling fruit yogurt popsicle molds. (Please click for more information.)


March Art

During March, Casa East engaged in various types of artwork. In honour of St. Patrick’s Day, we painted cardstock with blue and yellow tempera paints, and squeezed wet glue and gold glitter onto it. For Easter, we used water and a paint brush to wet an egg shape on cardstock, placed coloured tissue paper onto it, and peeled the tissue off once it was dry. (Click to see our work and more information!)


Holiday Fun

Please click view to see videos of children spinning a dreidel and making 3D pony bead art, as well as full photos and more information about the holidays they explored and the fun they had!


Creating Ghosts!

The Casa West children mixed glue and shaving cream to create a foamy substance, spooned some of the mixture onto coloured paper, spread it out, then added googly eyes. As the mixture dried, the puffy ghosts started to appear! (Please click for more photos and information.)


Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills involve the coordination of small muscle movements between eye, hand, wrist, and fingers. A variety of fine motor activities are accessible daily to the children in addition to programmed learning opportunities. Children can be seen using creative, sensory and cognitive activities that encourage the use of fine motor skills. (Please click for the full photos.)


Colour Mixing

Colour mixing is a great activity for young children to learn about colours and practice colour recognition. The children used paint to mix one primary colour (ex. red, blue or yellow) with another primary colour, creating a new (secondary) colour. Children can experiment and explore their creativity to create many variations of colours, including tertiary (ex. brown, burgundy). Please click for more information.


Diwali Celebration

Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is a celebration that includes festive food, fireworks, special candles, lamps called Diyas, and rangoli designs. The children made the rangoli designs from bright coloured sand glued onto construction paper and painted diyas. Learning about various cultures and their celebrations encourages children to respect differences in all people, see the similarities, and recognize the importance of diversity. (Please click for full photos).


Easel Drawing

Easel drawing is an activity that the children enjoy. This activity allows them to express their creativity on a larger scale. It also promotes their fine motor skills. In this photo, the child is holding the marker in a palmer grasp as she makes detailed lines on the dry erase easel.


Mixing Primary Colours

In the Under 3 community, we have been exploring mixing primary colours to create secondary colours in a variety of ways.

Please click ‘view’ for more details and photos.
