

In addition to playing the Montessori bells, the older Casa children have also been learning how to play the ukulele weekly. The children have been playing many songs using the C, C7, F, and G7 chords. Through their exposure to the ukulele, the children have also been exploring various music notation concepts such as notes, the staff, musical alphabet, clefs, and time signature. 

Please click “Ukulele” for more photos and information about what songs the children have been playing.


Music and Listening Centre

The children enjoy classical music, echo songs or favourite stories in the listening centre as well as playing instruments and incorporating movement. During the child’s developmental years, lyrics and musical expression can strengthen their gross motor skills through movement; their focus/concentration and memory; as well as expand their vocabulary.

Please click “Music and Listening Centre” for more photos and information.


Music with Adriana

The children of West Casa enjoy music class with Adriana weekly. Adriana incorporates Montessori bells as well as various percussion instruments into the class such as tambourines, hand drums, and shakers. We also walk the line and take a step with each beat we play to the music.

Please click “Music with Adriana” for more information and photos.



In addition to the weekly music class, Adriana takes two children from each Casa class to practice playing the Montessori bells. In these lessons, Adriana teaches the children how to read music notes from low do to high do. She also teaches them rhythms and melodies. Once the children are comfortable reading notes and playing different rhythms, Adriana helps them compose their own song.

Please click “Music” to read more.


Music With Adriana!

Adriana incorporates various instruments such as the tambourine, drums, flute, guitar, shakers, and bells into the weekly music program. The bells are an important part of our Montessori curriculum. The children take great pride in performing songs on the bells in front of their classmates and look forward to their music class. Adriana has recently begun to teach the older students beginner ukulele.


Music Class with Adriana

In our Montessori environment, it is important that the children have a well-rounded array of experiences, giving them the opportunity to find their passion in life. Our music teacher Adriana creates fun and engaging classes consisting of three components. The children work in small groups to learn the ukulele and others work with the bells. We then have all of the children come together to sing, learn musical vocabulary, notes, rhythms and play instruments.

Please click on “Music Class with Adriana” to see more photos.


Music Class

The children participate in half-an-hour of music class weekly at Downtown Montessori. Their teacher, Adriana, helps them connect with their musical self and begin to develop basic musicality.


Family Music Class

In celebration of families, we invited our families to join us for Music Class with Adriana. The parents had the opportunity to engage and participate in songs with musical instruments and puppets. The children seemed to enjoy sharing this experience with their parents!


Working with Bells

The bells are an exciting part of our Casa classroom! Children enjoy learning to play songs such as “Good Morning” or “Days of the Week”. There are endless possibilities for creative uses of the bells.

Please click on “Working with Bells” for more information about Montessori bells.


Casa Music Class

In the next music classes Adriana and the Casa children will explore the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

Please click “Casa Music Class” for more details and photos.
