Under 2


Every Tuesday, our music teacher Adriana comes in to conduct music class with the children. She brings in many props including puppets and musical instruments.The children are exposed to rhythm, beats, and tempo through a variety of familiar songs. They are encouraged to participate and look forward to Adriana’s visit every week.



The children explored our first snow this season with colourful ice cubes using scoops, cups and tongs. They scooped and felt the snow, and observed it melting. This was a great activity to extend our outdoor environment by bringing snow inside.



Painting is a popular activity within our curriculum. A variety of materials are offered to enhance the painting experience including brushes, sponges, or any other objects that can be incorporated into the activity. Through painting, children are able to practice and develop in areas such as sense of self, fine motor skills, cause and effect as well as sensory discrimination.

Please click “Painting” for more details and photos.


Self-Help and Independence

After the children in the Under 2 classroom have their snack or lunch, they learn to clean up after themselves, which gives them a great sense of productivity and ownership as they are encouraged to take care of their environment.

Please click “Self-Help and Independence” for more information and pictures.


Watch me go!

On the playground, the children under two years old can often be seen pushing the blue scooter. Some of these children use the support of the scooter to develop their walking skills. Others are skilled at manipulating the scooter along the ground while walking forward or backward. This fun activity aid in the development of the children’s gross motor skills.  

Please click “Watch me go!” for the full image.


Summer BBQ

We were excited to host our summer family BBQ! This year’s fundraising event is in support of Pancreatic Cancer Canada. We had a food truck come provide the delicious barbecued food. Fire It Up BBQ catering did an amazing job! The bake sale was also a great success. We had the generous support of our families and staff who supplied all the baked goodies. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we come together as a community. A great time was had by everyone!


Fruit Popsicles!

The children helped to make fruit popsicles by taking turns scooping the ingredients into a jug. Then they scooped the blended mixture, poured it into the moulds, and placed popsicle sticks inside. What a healthy, refreshing summer treat!


Meal Times

Meal times not only encourage children’s social interactions, but also provide them the opportunity to gain and build their independence. As the children in our Under Two community eat lunch around our child-size tables, a teacher sits with the group to assist anyone needing assistance. Size and age appropriate furniture, dishes, and utensils are used to promote self-feeding, self-help, and confidence.

Please click “Meal Times” for more details and photos.


Object Permanence

This ball and tray activity allows the children to practice their hand – eye coordination skills as well as explore the concept of object permanence by dropping and waiting for the ball to roll out from a hidden space.


We the North!

Celebrating the Toronto Raptors – NBA Champions!! We the North!!

Please click “We the North!” for lots more photos!
