City Place

Intelligence and the Hand

Maria Montessori introduced a hands on approach to education because she believed that the development of the hand plays an important role in the developing of the mind.

Please click on “Intelligence and the Hand” to see photos of other examples of intelligence and the hand as well as a quote from Maria Montessori.


Bonjour Mes Amis! Comment ça va?

In French class, the children have been learning and expressing their feelings with Cheeba, our French teacher. The group asks each friend how they are (Comment ça va?) and each child answers with French words associated with these feelings.


It is Not Just All Fun and Games

“The most important motive for work in school and in life is pleasure in work, pleasure in its result, and the knowledge of the value of the result to the community.” -Albert Einstein


Casa Music Class

In the next music classes Adriana and the Casa children will explore the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

Please click “Casa Music Class” for more details and photos.


Second Step Program

Casa West has been working on Second Step lessons during circle time. Second Step is a program that helps children develop self-regulation and social emotional skills.


Caring for a Plant

The classroom is a small community for the children, and everyone works together to promote order and peace. One element of the Practical Life activities includes care of the environment. Here, the child is shown how to care for different parts of the classroom.


Brain Gym

The children have been introduced to a program known as Brain Gym, which was founded by educator Paul E. Dennison. This program is based on an educational kinesiology theory that places a great deal of importance on learning through movement.


Autumn Cookies

Incorporating the Fall season and the events around this time, the children in Casa West baked some zucchini raisin cookies.


Palmar Grasp

Pencil practice is commonly used in the Under 2 class as a tool for furthering the development of both creativity as well as fine motor skills.
